How to Eat During the Holidays

healthy holiday eating

Holiday time can be stressful for people who are on a “diet” or who eat healthy/clean throughout the year. There can be a lot of pressure to pig out and indulge. Personally, I think how you want to handle the holidays is an individual decision and can depend on a number of factors. There isn’t […]

5-Minute Homemade Spicy Salsa {recipe}

how to make homemade Spicy Salsa steps

Ever since I started eating clean I’ve been making my own condiments (ketchup, bbq sauce, and salsa). They are quick to make and much healthier than the sugary store-bought versions. For my salsa I’d been using a spice/herb mixture that was given to me, but recently ran out of it. So, I decided to whip […]

31 Day Challenge: “Aquatober”

drink 2L water a day

There’s something refreshing about the beginning of a month. It’s like we can hit the re-start button on our lives. If you’re like me, I sometimes have grand plans of getting things accomplished… projects around the house, new recipes to try, keeping the house tidy (always a challenge!) … but as the month goes on […]

Why I Work Out with a Personal Trainer

lydia heavy squats

Even though I’m a Group Ex instructor and a MYBootcamp coach, I have my own personal trainer who I workout with twice a week. Originally I started with Brendan Smith to train for the figure competition I was in June 2012. However, it quickly became apparent that having a personal trainer was also beneficial even […]

Broccoli Egg Muffins {recipe}

healthy breakfast egg muffins

I don’t know about you, but I have really gotten into preparing food in advance. Like most people, I lead a very busy life and love being able to just reheat something (or eat it cold) rather than having to spend time cooking it. Although breakfast food is generally easy to make, having these broccoli […]

How to Boost Your Power With Posture

high power pose

Do you find there are times when you feel more powerful than others? How you hold your body (your posture) may be the cause. Research shows how you sit or stand for just 2 minutes can affect your body’s hormones and actually impact how powerful you feel and are perceived. Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy explains […]

Protein Mini Muffins

Protein mini muffins

Protein Mini Muffins are super easy to make (5 min prep, 15 min bake) and are a healthy alternative to a treat like a two-bite brownie. If you use a flavored protein powder (I love BioX Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl) it’s super yummy and low-calorie! Just compare nutritional info for 2 servings (2 pieces): Two-bite […]