Do you take time to regularly celebrate and acknowledge your achievements in health and fitness? I’m not talking about the BIG things, like beating your time goal in a 5k race or sticking to your meal plan for a month (although you should certainly celebrate those!) I’m talking about the little things.

Acknowledge Success and Progress

Doing an at-home workout even though you were tired. Turning down a sugary dessert after dinner (or eating a smaller portion). Parking further from your destination and walking more. 

All these “little” things contribute to your overall well-being. They are easy to overlook or ignore because they aren’t flashy. But, it’s important to take time to focus on the small achievements you make on a daily basis. The little things accumulate to contribute to the “big” thing.

how to stay motivated to be healthy

Not only do the small accomplishments add up to the big successes, acknowledging them on a regular basis helps to fuel your motivation for when you aren’t really “feeling it”. Looking at your track record of wins can fire you up to keep going because you see the results you’ve achieved so far. 

I encourage you to take time every day to focus on the one or two actions you took that day that help contribute to your overall health goal. If you journal, write it down. If you’re not a journaler (like me) tell a friend, or share on my Facebook page.

Other ways to stay motivated:

* Know your why – deep dive to determine the driving force behind your decision to be healthy

* Rely on habits when you “don’t feel like it” – sometimes you just need to go into auto-pilot and “just do it”

* Go easy on yourself – don’t beat yourself for “losing” motivation; it comes and goes (this is normal)

* Align with people who inspire you – join a group of like-minded people (like my 15 Minute Workout Crew) or find a buddy who will inspire and encourage you on the harder days

It’s important to remember that [shareable text=”A healthy lifestyle is NOT achieved by motivation alone, but through consistent and persistent action.”]A healthy lifestyle is NOT achieved by motivation alone, but through consistent and persistent action.[/shareable]

Shrug off the “bad” days and stay the course. 

Coach Lydia xo

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