Perhaps you’ve decided to eat clean recently or you’ve been following the eat clean principles for a while and now you’re wondering the best way to grocery shop for clean eating.

Here are 10 tips for making the most of your trip to the grocery store.

1. Shop with a grocery list and stick to it. Some people find it helpful to write out a meal plan for the week and only buy the items you need for those meals. This helps to ensure you aren’t wasting food. I use a great free app called Our Groceries to keep track of my list. It works with Apple, Blackberry and Android products.

2. Stick with fresh, unprocessed foods. Avoid items that come in a box and last “forever” (the exception here would be canned food like beans).

3. Avoid shopping when you’re hungry. You’ll be more tempted to buy unhealthy food.

4. Fill your cart with lots of fresh, healthy vegetables and fruit.

5. When buying grain products, look for the words “whole grain” in the first ingredient.

6. Choose reduced-fat cheese and 1% or skim milk. Or, choose almond milk instead of cow’s milk.

7. Buy unseasoned fish, chicken and lean cuts of meat and add your own seasoning at home.

8. Skip sweetened beverages; drink water instead. You’ll save money – and calories!

9. Read the Nutrition Facts tables to help you make better food choices.

10. Try new items to keep things interesting. See my recipe page eat clean recipe ideas.

Bonus Tip: Shop the perimeter! If you stick to the walls instead of going down the aisles, you’re more likely to find clean foods.

Here’s a fun flowchart on how to find real food by Summer Tomato:

clean eating grocery shopping

What other tips do you have to add?

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