It’s canning season! One of the best times of the year :) I love making food from raw ingredients so I know exactly what went into it.

cucumbers for homemade relishThis past weekend I made pickles and ended up with left over cucumbers… a lot of them!

We had run of out dill, so we couldn’t make any more pickles. My husband suggested making relish and we decided to give it a try.

It turned out delicious and was very easy to make.

Homemade Relish


• 12 cups cucumbers, shredded
• 4 cups onions, finely chopped
• 1 red pepper, finely chopped
• 1 green pepper, finely chopped
• 4 jalepeno peppers, finely chopped
• 1/4 cup pickling (course) salt
• 3 cups water


• 2 1/2 cups white sugar
• 2 cups white vinegar
• 1 Tbsp dry mustard
• 1 Tbsp celery seed
• 1 1/2 tsp turmeric


• 1/4 cup white sugar
• 4 Tbsp cornstarch


  1. Shred cucumbers using a food processor and place in a large pot or bowl.
  2. Add onions and peppers to shredded cucumbers.
  3. Mix pickling (course) salt and water into cucumbers, onions and peppers. Let sit for 4 hours then drain the excess water.
  4. In a stockpot, mix brine ingredients and bring to a boil. Add drained vegetables and continue cooking until it’s boiling again.
  5. Add paste to boiling mixture and cook until thick.
  6. Pour hot relish into hot, sterilized jars, leaving 1/4″ from the top. Seal tightly with stylized lids and rings.
  7. Place jars in a boiling water bath and process for 10 minutes.
  8. Label and store jars in cool, dark place. Use within 12 months and refrigerate once opened.


Lydia Di Francesco, Personal Trainer

ps. With Winter coming the slow cooker is a great way to cook a lot of food at once, with very little prep work. Check out my Slow Cooker Recipe eBook for recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert!

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