The Real Reason You Aren’t Getting Fit and Healthy

Are you constantly struggling to get healthy, exercise, eat better, etc? Do you feel like you just don’t have the time to focus on yourself and your health? You’re not alone. And you’re not alone in one of the biggest reasons WHY you are struggling. Ready for this #truthbomb? You’re waiting for the perfect moment […]
How to Stay on the Fitness Wagon

Did you jump into the New Year with an ambitious agenda to workout every single day and eat perfectly? And now you’re struggling to stay on top of it all? When thinking about improving your health and staying on the fitness wagon, do you often think of all the things you do “wrong” and need […]
Increase Your Flexibility in Just 5-10 Minutes a Day

Stretching is often the most neglected part of fitness. It’s something I personally struggle to keep up with and make part of my regular routine. Two things have worked for me: 1. Scheduling it in. I’m always talking about scheduling because it’s so essential. If we don’t schedule, it won’t happen. (Make sure to schedule […]
Are You Addicted to Being Busy?

Busy-ness. It’s become like a badge of honor or (oddly) something people boast about. The almost default answer to “How are you?” seems to be a variation of “I’m really busy”. At times a conversation turns into a contest about who is the most busy. Often said in a humble-brag kind of way. Sometimes I […]
Giving Thanks

American Thanksgiving is coming up and there’s an online thing going around where you set a timer for 10 minutes and write what you are thankful for – as many as you can within the time limit. The idea is that you have so much to be thankful for you’ll run out of time. It’s easy […]
The Number One Secret for Clearing Your To-Do List

How big is your To-Do List? If it’s anything like mine, it’s LOOOOONG…. and feels like it’s never ending. You feel overwhelmed with everything you have and want to accomplish, but it feels like there’s no time to get it all done. Know what? There’s isn’t enough time. Sorry. I hate breaking bad news, but […]
Improve Your Mental Health with Exercise

I’ve previously blogged about the physical benefits of exercise and given 26 ideas to be active without going to a gym, but did you know exercise can be good for our mental health too? Research has found that exercise can reduce negative thoughts and feelings of distress. It has had significant impact on people struggling […]
February 30-Minute Challenge

Let’s beat the February blahs with a Challenge!! A while ago I wrote about the 7 strategies for carving out me time. As a recap, here they are: (see the article for more details) 1. Schedule it in. 2. Find an activity you enjoy that’s relaxing. 3. Wake up earlier. 4. Make yourself accountable. 5. […]
12 Ways to Decrease Stress Levels

♫ “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” ♫ … or is it? The Christmas season is often a time of heightened stress levels for many people. People stress about the extra financial burden of gifts and extra outings, not to mention things like cleaning the house, Christmas decorating, extra cooking/baking, shopping for gifts… […]