[VIDEO] Full Body Strength Circuit (no equipment)

Body weight workouts are a fun and simple way to exercise! The beauty of them is that they can be done anywhere: bedroom, living room, hotel room, or even your backyard (when the weather is nice). Here’s a short and effective 15 minute workout with no equipment needed. We’re working the whole body with this […]
12 Days of Christmas Workout

Tis the season for festive family functions and Christmas carols! Don’t let exercise take a back seat, include it in your celebrations with this FUN 12 Days of Christmas Workout :) 12 Days of Christmas Workout Perform like the song. Start with Day 1, then Day 2 + Day 1, etc. For each day do […]
Banish your Bat Wings, Blast your Belly, Build your Booty – At-Home Workout

The most common complaints women have about their body relate to their “bat wings” (ie the flabby part under the arm), their belly and their butt. This is an at-home circuit workout designed to specifically target each of these areas. All you need is a bench or chair and a resistance band or dumbbell (or […]
15 Minute Resistance Band At-Home / Travel Workout

Yes, 15 minutes of exercise can be effective if you do it the right way. Tips for getting the most out of a short workout: keep up the intensity (aim for being breathless by the end) take short breaks or only rest as needed do complex movements using multiple muscles at once, for instance, squat and shoulder press […]
Bust Past the Winter Plateau with the CUBA Workout

Dreaming of the sunny south? I sure am! Bust past the Winter plateau with the C.U.B.A. Workout. Winter can be a really hard time of year: it’s cold days are dreary and short we stay indoors and hibernate We tend to be less active in the winter, so aren’t getting as much exercise (go from warm […]
10 Minute Fat Blast Workout

Is 10 minutes of exercise a day enough to make you feel better and have more energy? It sure is! I conducted a 2-week study where participants did 10 minutes of exercise a day at home and answered a short survey on how they felt about themselves and their energy level. What were the results? • […]
5 Amazing At-Home Exercises with Kitchen Items

Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. Body weight work can be very effective, especially when done as high intensity interval training. There are many options for doing exercises at home, with some equipment like resistance bands or a suspension trainer, or with no equipment. You can also improvise and make your own “equipment”! […]
5 Simple Ways to Get Out of a Gym Rut

gym rut [jim ruht] noun 1. boredom with your workout 2. a feeling of low (or zero) motivation to work out Have you ever been in a gym rut? You know, that feeling that creeps up on you little by little until “suddenly” you realize you don’t like working out or you have no motivation […]
Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Last week I wrote about the basics of HIIT — High Intensity Interval Training. As a recap, HIIT is an exercise strategy that alternates periods of short and intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. I hinted that there were many benefits to doing high intensity interval training and I’m revealing them today! Burn More Fat High Intensity Interval Training […]
What is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)?

Have you heard of HIIT (high-intensity interval training)? It’s been around for a while, but only has gotten popular and more mainstream in the past few years. HIIT, which is also known as High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training, is a form of cardio exercise. It’s basically an exercise strategy that alternates periods of short and intense anaerobic […]