The Best Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Do you have a bedtime routine? Something that relaxes you before hitting your head to the pillow? Our lives are so busy and full that we are often rushing around without taking much time to pause and relax. Too much stress can increase cortisol levels, which can lead to more fat being stored in your […]
February 30-Minute Challenge

Let’s beat the February blahs with a Challenge!! A while ago I wrote about the 7 strategies for carving out me time. As a recap, here they are: (see the article for more details) 1. Schedule it in. 2. Find an activity you enjoy that’s relaxing. 3. Wake up earlier. 4. Make yourself accountable. 5. […]
7 Strategies for Carving Out Me Time

(Note to the men reading this article: it’s geared for women, since we seen to have this problem more than you. Feel feel to keep reading and/or pass along to the special women in your life) Have you ever stopped to think about where you fit on your priority list? If you’re like most women, […]