Strategies for Waking Up Energized and Alert

Do you wake up tired and with low energy most mornings? If you regularly hit snooze a few times before getting out of bed or you make a beeline for the coffee machine as soon as your feet hit the floor, this is for you. Here are 4 solutions for waking up alert and with […]
How to Stay Asleep the WHOLE Night (and not get up to pee)

Do you wake up like clockwork at the same time each night? Maybe you even get up a few times to pee. Is it really your bladder or is something else going on?
How to Fall Asleep as soon as your Head Hits the Pillow

Do you toss and turn and take a long time to fall asleep? Learn some easy ways to fall asleep easier and faster.
The Best Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Do you have a bedtime routine? Something that relaxes you before hitting your head to the pillow? Our lives are so busy and full that we are often rushing around without taking much time to pause and relax. Too much stress can increase cortisol levels, which can lead to more fat being stored in your […]
4 Habits to Get the Spring Back in Your Step

Spring is a time of renewal. There’s a fresh feeling of newness in the air as many us get out of hibernation mode. A common complaint I hear from clients and friends during this transition from Winter to Spring is a lack of energy. People still feel sluggish and tired from the long, dark Winter […]
5 Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

How many hours a night do you sleep? 6? 8? 10? What about the quality of your sleep? Are you constantly waking up throughout the night or do you sleep solidly all the way til morning? Sleep is actually an important aspect of a healthy body and lifestyle, but it’s often overlooked. I’m just as […]