12 Days of Christmas Workout

Tis the season for festive family functions and Christmas carols! Don’t let exercise take a back seat, include it in your celebrations with this FUN 12 Days of Christmas Workout :) 12 Days of Christmas Workout Perform like the song. Start with Day 1, then Day 2 + Day 1, etc. For each day do […]
Demystifying the Personal Training Experience

Personal training can seem daunting if you’ve never done it before. Many people assume it’s like on TV where the trainer is yelling at the client and making them do things they don’t want. While there are some “drill sergeant” style trainers, it’s generally not like that (and not with me). My Approach My approach […]
How to Actually Achieve Your Health Goals

Hopefully you’ve made some goals for improving your health this year. (If not, there’s still time to set a few). It can be a challenge to achieve what we’ve set out out to do, but there’s a way to make it easier on yourself. I believe the best way to actually achieve your goals is […]
The Number One Secret for Clearing Your To-Do List

How big is your To-Do List? If it’s anything like mine, it’s LOOOOONG…. and feels like it’s never ending. You feel overwhelmed with everything you have and want to accomplish, but it feels like there’s no time to get it all done. Know what? There’s isn’t enough time. Sorry. I hate breaking bad news, but […]
Happy New Year 2013

I’d like to wish you a prosperous and happy new year!! We look at January 1, 2013 as a new beginning. However, take a few moments to think about 2012; the various trials you overcame and the successes you had. Be proud of your achievements (great or small). Think about how you became a stronger […]
How to Set SMART Goals (not New Years resolutions)

We’re only a few days away from 2013!! Can you believe it?! This year went by so quickly! The new year is a time when many people make “New Years Resolutions”…but unfortunately, most often they don’t last. Here are some typical resolutions: Lose weight/get fit Eat healthy Quit smoking Get out of debt Be more […]