4 Habits to Get the Spring Back in Your Step

Spring is a time of renewal. There’s a fresh feeling of newness in the air as many us get out of hibernation mode. A common complaint I hear from clients and friends during this transition from Winter to Spring is a lack of energy. People still feel sluggish and tired from the long, dark Winter […]
Tomato Balsamic Slow Cooker Chicken {Recipe}

Using the slow cooker is one of the best ways to prepare food because it’s so EASY!! I’m a lazy cook, so I’m always looking for ways to make preparing food as painless as possible…and if I can have leftovers, even better! :) This Tomato Balsamic Slow Cooker Chicken recipe can be prepped in under 10 […]
Are You Addicted to Being Busy?

Busy-ness. It’s become like a badge of honor or (oddly) something people boast about. The almost default answer to “How are you?” seems to be a variation of “I’m really busy”. At times a conversation turns into a contest about who is the most busy. Often said in a humble-brag kind of way. Sometimes I […]
The Number One Secret for Clearing Your To-Do List

How big is your To-Do List? If it’s anything like mine, it’s LOOOOONG…. and feels like it’s never ending. You feel overwhelmed with everything you have and want to accomplish, but it feels like there’s no time to get it all done. Know what? There’s isn’t enough time. Sorry. I hate breaking bad news, but […]